Beyond the Vote: Civic Engagement for Youth


This Journeys to Active Citizenship webinar will focus on how to foster pathways to civic engagement for youth with guest speakers from The Canadian-Muslim Vote.

OCASI, in collaboration with North York Community House (NYCH), invites you to join our upcoming webinar:

Beyond the Vote:
Civic Engagement for YouthÂ

  • Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2024
  • Time: 1:00 - 2:00pmÂ
  • VirtualÂ


This Journeys to Active Citizenship webinar will focus on how to foster pathways to civic engagement for youth with guest speakers from The Canadian-Muslim Vote.

Journeys to Active Citizenship is a unique collaborative project that’s co-designing curriculum and tools for civic engagement programs for, and with, immigrants and refugees. The project fosters a more inclusive Canada by empowering newcomers to play a greater role in shaping communities.



Asad MalekTCMV fellow. He currently works for Employment Social Development Canada (ESDC) as a Programs Officer.Â

Wardah Shaikh: Programs manager at The Canadian Muslim Vote. She is currently in her first year of law school at the University of Southampton.Â

Qazi AbdurrehmanTCMV fellow. He has worked with various MPPs in the past to ensure the voice of the constituents is heard all year around.



Register Here

Questions or concerns?
Contact Tania Ruiz-ChapmanÂ

Détails de l'événement

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ModeEn ligne