OCASI invites qualified immigrant and refugee serving organizations to submit an application to participate in implementing the OCASI Mental Health Promotion Integrated Service Delivery Model, developed as part of the Mental Health Promotion in Immigrant and Refugee Serving Organizations Project.
OCASI MHP Project Overview:
The Mental Health Promotion in Immigrant and Refugee Serving Organizations Project originated as an innovation project (2018 - 2021) funded by Immigration Refugee Citizenship Canada (IRCC) through the Settlement Program Service Delivery Improvements (SDI) Funding Stream. As the lead organization on this project, OCASI has partnered with community organizations across three sectors (immigrant and refugee serving organizations, primary health, and community mental health) to carry out the project. The project aims to build the capacity of newcomer and refugee services to promote mental health and newcomer wellbeing and respond to mental health issues within organizations.
The Mental Health Promotion in Immigrant and Refugee Serving Organizations Project developed an Integrated Service Model during its first phase (2018-2021) through extensive research and collaboration. Since then, OCASI has partnered with twelve different agencies to implement, test, and evaluate the model.
With IRCC funding renewed for 2025 - 2028, the next phase of the project will scale up the model to 8-10 agencies in 2025, building on lessons learned from previous implementation sites.
OCASI will be supporting partner agencies with implementation in the following ways:
- Overall project coordination and support to partner agency sites
- Capacity building, training and resource provision on needs assessment
- Capacity building, training and resource provision on how to implement each domain of the model (client, staff, organizational capacity, collaboration/ service coordination)
Your organization will be responsible for:
- Dedicating staff and management time for model implementation activities
- Participating in mandatory monthly workshops on how to implement model activities
- Participating in capacity building training, implementation of mental health initiatives, and evaluation activities.
Model Implementation will run from April 2025 - February 2026
Registration deadline: April 17, 2025
If you have any questions, please contact Caley Cross (she/her) at: ccross@ocasi.org