Understanding and Challenging Anti-Black Racism


This 4-module course aims to assist people working in the immigrant and refugee-serving sector understand how systems operate and how they create and manifest racism and anti-Black racism.

About this Course

This 4-module course aims to assist people working in the immigrant and refugee-serving sector understand how systems operate and how they create and manifest racism and anti-Black racism. By the end of the course, participants will be supported to develop new skills on how to be an inclusive and anti-racist leader and develop new ways to confront anti-Black racism. 

Criteria for Participation

This course is open to settlement workers and service providers who are working in or with the immigrant and refugee-serving sector across Ontario, and who are willing to:

  • Commit to approximately 2-4 hours of learning per week
  • Engage in a weekly discussion forum

    At the successful completion of the course, you will receive a certification of completion from OCASI.

    Registration deadline: March 17, 2025

    Registration link: https://oca.si/7lkodx 

    If you have any questions, please contact Maggie To (she/her) at: mto@ocasi.org

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