CARE Centre for Internationally Educated Nurses - Graduation Ceremony

It is the end of a beautiful chapter and the beginning of a new exciting nursing journey in Ontario for many of our Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) and we at CARE CENTRE are very proud and honored to be part of it.

We would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the success of our IENs who have passed their registration exams and registered with CNO as RNs and RPNs within the last year. We collectively congratulate you for your hard work, commitment, perseverance, and dedication to becoming tomorrow’s Nursing Leaders in Ontario. We are more than honored and privileged to have with us CARE Centre’s dear long term friend Dr. Angela Cooper-Brathwaite RN, BN, MN, PhD, FAAN, O.Ont, C.M,  Dr(hc). to join our celebration as our keynote speaker at our virtual graduation ceremony.

Dr. Angela Cooper Brathwaite is an IEN who is also a great champion for IENs. She was inducted into the Order of Ontario and appointed to the Order of Canada in 2022. Angela is Past President of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) and Co-Chair of RNAO’s Anti-Black Racism Task Force, Adjunct Professor & Associate Graduate Faculty Member at Ontario Tech University.





Event details

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